Did you know there is a traveling manga library in the United States?
I had the opportunity to visit the Carolina Manga Library at Anime Central this year.
The Carolina Manga library is a nonprofit charity organization based in Southern United States. They are a mobile library that promotes the use of graphic novels, comics, and Japanese manga as tools for improving literacy.
They travel across the country setting up reading rooms at conventions, schools, book festivals, and other libraries with a collection of 5000 books of all genres and reading levels.
It is staffed by volunteers who are comprised of librarians, writers, artists, and other graphic novel fans.

With an average attendance of over 30,000 attendees, Anime Central, the Midwest’s largest anime convention, unites fans to celebrate Japanese popular culture every year.
Located at the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center, Anime Central has an expansive Exhibit Hall, Artists Alley, various programming, panels, and guests for congoers to explore. With all that activity, the Carolina Manga Library is the perfect stop for congoers to unwind and take a break from the bustling activity of the con. Individuals can pick up a well loved series they have read before or pick up something new. They have other comics besides manga as well in their collection too!
Check out our manga and graphic novels collection at either Dundee or Randall Oaks locations in our Teen or Adult Graphic novel areas.
Don't see a particular series or think we should consider adding one to the collection? Then submit a Suggest a Purchase request for us to consider.