Library Closed for Presidents' Day

All Fox River Valley Public Library locations will be closed on Feb. 17 in observance of Presidents' Day. Regular hours will resume the following day.

Can’t Find It?

What if I can't find what I'm looking for in the catalog?

If you can't find the materials you are looking for in our online catalog (which also includes the collections of 20+ area libraries in our borrowing consortium) you can request an Interlibrary loan (ILL, for short). ILL is a service that allows the FRVPLD to borrow materials from other libraries around the country. You can browse the collections of other Illinois libraries through Find More Illinois or other libraries nationwide through WorldCat.


What can I get through ILL?

Books, AV materials, and articles.


What if the material isn't available through Interlibrary Loan?

If the material is not in any catalog that we can find, please use this form to suggest a purchase.


What are the restrictions on ILL?

  • We will not request items owned by FRVPLD or other libraries that are part of our CCS Consortium

  • It is difficult to get new materials and AV materials. 

  • No ILL request is guaranteed to come to our library. It is up to the lending library whether they will lend their materials to us. 

  • Materials are only available for a limited check out time, so it is difficult to use for textbooks for a class.

  • We can only get items available at libraries in the United States. 

  • Please only request items you will actually use to prevent unnecessary costs to FRVPLD.


Who can make ILL requests?

FRVPLD cardholders in good standing.


How do I place an Interlibrary Loan request?

Call 847-428-3661 and request the Adult & Teen Services Desk.


How will I be notified when an item arrives?

The library will notify you with an email or a phone call when your item arrives.


How long will it take for the item to get here?

Delivery time will vary between different lending libraries, but usually it takes between a week and a month.


What if I need an item by a certain date?

If you have a timeline for an item, please let us know at the time of the request.


How can I track my ILL requests?

For Find More Illinois, patrons can log into their library account on the Find More Illinois homepage to track their existing requests. Click "Your Account," then "Your Items: Items from Other Libraries" to view requested materials.

For WorldCat, as soon as an Interlibrary Loan request is shipped, we will place it on hold on your library card. When the item has arrived at FRVPLD, you should receive a phone call or email notifying you. If we are unable to get an item you have requested, a staff member will contact you and let you know. 


Where can I pick up my ILL materials?

ILL materials can be picked up from the hold shelf at the FRVPLD location you designated at the time of the request.


How long can I keep the items?

The lending period is set by the library who is lending us the materials.


Can I renew items?

Renewals must be approved by the lending library. To request a renewal, call 847-428-3661 and request the Adult & Teen Services Desk.


Where should I return Interlibrary Loan materials?

Materials can be returned to either FRVPLD location or one of our drop boxes. Please do not return interlibrary loan materials to other libraries.


What if I lose or damage an ILL item?

The lending library determines the cost and processing fees for a lost or damaged item. You are responsible for the lost or damage fee assessed by the lending libraries.